Terry Looper

On A Quest to Get Whole

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Our guest is Terry Looper, founder and CEO of Texon, an oil and gas services business based in Houston.

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In this episode, Terry begins by describing the misdirected ambition and false starts of his early years, as he sought leadership status without the possibility of conflict; pursued success without an understanding of the importance of sustained effort; and set his heart on wealth as a means to significance rather than service.

As Terry began to succeed professionally, he experienced a great disruption that led to an intense season of reflection and repentance. Based on his renewed relationship with Christ, he started Texon with some radical commitments and expectations.

He went on to develop a decision-making process based around “getting neutral”— intentionally surrendering your conscious will and unconscious biases to God in a posture of submission to his leading. He writes about this process in his book Getting Neutral: Four Steps to Hearing God and Aligning Yourself with His Will.

Terry’s story is about what happens when a leader is willing to learn deeply from personal pain rather than running away from it.


About The Guest

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Terry Looper is the CEO and Founder of Texon LP, a midstream energy company that was founded in 1989. Texon was voted #1 in Houston revenue for private companies in 2011 and was named one of the region’s “Top Work Places” by The Houston Chronicle in 2015. Texon views its core values and employees as the keys to its mission of being the best service provider in its industry. Terry and Doris, his wife of 48 years, have two married daughters and five grandchildren. Due to success at Texon, they have been able to donate 50 percent of their income to mainly Christian organizations since 1998. Terry’s passion is to serve as a mentor to fellow business and nonprofit leaders.


The Redemptive Edge is hosted by Andy Crouch and features active members of the Praxis community. Produced by Mary Elizabeth Goodell and Scott Kauffmann of Praxis, with Mike Cosper, Mark Owens, Scott Slucher, and the team at Narrativo. Music by Eric Kinny.